Estate Planning Basics: What It Involves and How To Talk About It

Community Leaders, Nonprofit Staff, and Cooperative Extension Agents: Estate planning is your go-to protection against blighted homes, land loss, and generational poverty in the communities you serve. With proper estate planning, your constituents can prevent the creation of heirs property, an unstable form of landownership that limits a family’s ability to make home improvements, manage farm and timber land, and build generational wealth typically leveraged through USDA and bank financing, nonprofit home-repair programs, disaster relief, and business development.

Enhance your financial literacy offerings, ensure your philanthropic investments last, and serve your community better by understanding estate planning. During this webinar, our speakers will help Community Leaders, Nonprofit Staff, and Cooperative Extension Agents understand estate planning basics:

What estate planning includes;

  1. How to talk about estate planning with communities and clients

  2. What happens when you die with a will versus without a will

  3. How estate planning can prevent heirs property

  4. What decisions need to be made before meeting with an attorney and

  5. How estate planning impacts Community, Nonprofit, and Cooperative Extension organizations’ goals.

Speakers: Gentry E. Mander, J.D. & Skipper StipeMaas, Georgia Heirs Property Law Center